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7 Creative Questions To Find Your purpose

    Drinking a dreadful glass of red wine – Stella Rosa from Trader Joe’sNote To Self – drinking wine that froths when poured might be hazardous.  Anyway, it’s what I got so down it goes.

    Cheers to 2015.  I’m craving creativity with a bit more structure.  After years of living like a gypsy, this year I will plant roots and build a home.  That is something I have not done since my divorce – years and years and years ago.

    Strangely, Earnest Hemingway is coming to mind.  He once said,  HemingwayWrite drunk and edit sober?  Guessing his underlying message was that there are two sides to people.  One side that builds up vs. the other side that tears down.

    Okay, I might be over thinking that, still his words inspire me to evaluate new vs. old goals.  Should I build up a relationship or let it go?  Should I embrace my body or change my eating habits?  Should I take on home projects or move?  Life.  It’s a paradox.

    This I do know – I’m done with manipulating power-driven people filled with evil and secret agendas.  Good Lord pour me another glass of wine!

    Truthfully, I can’t comprehend the purpose of someone who has little compassion for others, nor do I want to.  Instead I like putting time and energy toward things I can control and to compassionate people.

    Does that resonate with you?  If so, let’s make a pact to spend time creating a positive legacy and purpose.

    However, if you are wandering like a gypsy and wondering what your purpose – read on.  These seven creative questions will help define your values and commitments – the essence of purpose.

    1. What did you like to do when you were 11 years old?    Paint?  Sing?  Play sport?  Listen to music?  Explore nature?  Embrace that child.   There is something about that beautiful, innocent, vulnerable age – untainted by society.  For me, I loved swimming, riding horses and running – the perfect combination for any Ironman race.
    2. What would you do for free, even if it sucked when doing it?  Let’s face it, at times the best of life can suck.  So do something where  during the worst of times feels like the best of times.
    3. What project makes time fly?  Fly with that.
    4. What can you do where you’re completely vulnerable?  Vulnerability is the window to bliss.
    5. How can you save the world?  Okay, we can’t solve all the world’s problems, but we can solve one problem for one person.  Paying it forward (unconditionally) always brings value to one’s day.
    6. If you had unlimited money, what would you do and where would you go?  Do that. Go there.
    7. Think about you at age 11.  Write a letter to yourself at that age.  Write about your legacy.  If you don’t like what you’re writing, how can you change your story?  Then do it.

    Your purpose boils down to finding a few things that are bigger than yourself, things that need your sunshine.   Finding them takes exploration, still embrace the fun it takes to explore what make you feel alive!

    Always tri.  Never stop.

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